If you are tired of shoveling snow and scraping ice off your windshield, you are certainly not alone. Winter can be a tough time of year for area residents, and by now most of us are looking forward to spring.
Unfortunately, those warmer spring temperatures can bring their own set of challenges. The snow may be melting, but a fast snowmelt could damage your home and even compromise your foundation. The good news is you still have time to prepare, and here is what you need to know to manage that snowmelt and prevent damage to your home.
Check and Clear Your Gutters
Clogged gutters are always dangerous to your home, but the danger ramps up even more when the snow and ice start to accumulate. If you want to protect your home and foundation when the snow starts to melt, you need to make sure your gutters are clean, clear and in good condition.
Take a good look at your gutters and downspouts while you are outside shoveling snow or snow blowing the driveway. Are the gutters and downspouts in good shape, or do you see broken pieces? Did the water flow freely during the last rainstorm, or did a clog stop the flow? If you know your gutters and downspouts need repaired, be sure to have the work done before rising temperatures trigger a sudden snowmelt.
Remove Snow from Around Your Home
Clearing your driveway and sidewalk of snow is hard enough, so you may not feel like going further. Even so, clearing snow around your home is the best way to protect your foundation during a sudden snowmelt.
Clear a path around your home to give the melting snow a place to go. You do not need to shovel or snow blow the entire properly, but clearing the area around your home is always a smart thing to do.
Protect Your Appliances
Snowmelt can be hard on your home and its foundation, but the melting snow could also damage your appliances. If you have an outdoor air conditioner compressor, be sure to keep it clear of snow after each storm. Doing so will protect the appliance and allow it work properly this summer.
You should also clear away snow from the outlets to your washer and dryer. Many homeowners forget about this accumulation of snow, and the clogged outlet can create all manner of problems.
The melting snow will certainly be a welcome sight, but it is important to be prepared for that sudden snowmelt. Now is the time to get ready, so you do not have to worry about your home as you enjoy the beautiful spring weather.
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